It was an average day playing Dark Souls. Farming souls from COD new morons, dieing to motherfucking bullshit, and losing said souls. I was walking to the bonfire when xXTHELEGEND69XxXxx Invaded my world. I fliped my shit becasue the boss was dead. Then, out of nowhere I got backstabed and died instantly. Every time I respawned he invaded me, kicked my bitch ass and taunted mangled fucking rekt corpse. I got mad and sent him a message: "Wow you hacking bitch"
The Legend replied instantly, faster than any human could use the clunkly peice of shit contoller, "Git rekted like ur mother last nite. Wat rings you even got fukin casul?"
He invaded me again and I got pissed off and went to turn off my Xbox 360.
Suddenly the wall behind me exploded, kicked down by a monster, clad in thick, heavy armor that I recongnized from the game as Giant's armor. In place of his face he wore a copper mask of a bearded man, its terrifying visage frozen in terror. In one hand held a massive sword, around 9 feet long, with flames covering its surface. In his other, he held a small green shield. The MLG logo was on his chest. When he spoke, I knew this was no mere mortal, his thoughts streaming directly into my brain
"U thnk u cn get away that easly fggT?" The voice was impossible deep, making a large black man sound like a prepubescent child. "I wil fukin rek u liek I did ur mom, your dad, and your sister, all at the same tme."
"What the hell are you?" my voice cracked while I pissed my pants.
"The Legend never dies, u fukin casul"
"Fuck you! your gonna pay for that wall!" For some reason I was more worried about my shitty apartment despite the fact there was a 9 foot tall god in my bedroom.
Suddenly I started to hear dubstep starting
"POWER UP THE BASS CANNON" The Giantdad growled I heard a deafening charging sound. "FIRE" Loud dubstep started to play, then he swung his massive flaming sword at me and fucking rekt me. Then he did the "Well, what is it?" gesture from dark souls, taunting me as I bled and burnt to death at the same time.
I heard a few final words before I died, "Git gud u filthy casul."
---- Original Giantdad